Here's a list of resources I use on this site (that will be updated as more things are added) that I think others might find useful! As well as credit for graphics, code,
etc. that other people have made Enjoy!
Custom CSS Border Images - Where I got the lace border, and v helpful info on how to use images as borders!
Daily Crossword Widget - Self explanatory lol
3D Test Generator - Where I make my page titles!
Mazeguy Smilies - Where I get the little smileys that are in some of the text on my site (including this page )
Phoenix Code - Text editor that shows you a live preview while you code VERY HELPFUL! tiled backgrounds - Here's where I got the background on my site! Lots of really cool tilable backgrounds!
Bonnibel's Graphic Collection - Where I get a lot graphic (most I haven't used yet lol)
Ditherit - Image dithering tool, used this on my background image
Coco's Pixel Safari - lots of useful graphics (dividers, favicons, stamps, blinkies, buttons, text, etc.) Got my blinkies here, and my favicon, and buttons. - A directory of fanlistings!
Gaegu Font - Font used for body text
Costura Font - Font used for nav bar
RomanceA Font - Font used for headings
Cool Text - Lots of cool fonts, that you can also make gifs/3D text with
Visit Counter - A visit and creently viewing counter for your website, very cutie options. - Widget for adding little status to your website even if you're not actively on/coding your website! Cutsie (Also needed upgraded account for this to work)
Doll Archive Compendium - Lots of incredible pixel art and more lol!! Used a border on my gallery page and I'm sure I'll end up using more to be honest as I update pages, and add new things. Amazing work!
Hillhouse Washi Tape Tutorial - Great tutorial for how to add washi tape elements to posts! They also have lots of pretty tapes you can use (and that I use on my diary posts)! I had to do a bit of tinkering w the css but alas I got it to work yay!