Ehe... Sooooo I basically read this book so fast I didn't even have the chance to write anything about it. So these are gonna be just my
overall thoughts about the book now that it's finished. Basically it slayed? Basically I ran to start Crown of Midnight right after finishing it.
PLUS!! My boyfriend got me an e-reader!! Because I've been reading on my phone this whole time, I read all of the ACOTAR series on my phone,
and I mentioned thinking about buying an e-reader for a bigger screen and to be able to read in the bath and be less worried about dropping it
(bc I was looking at semi-waterproof ones), and take up less memory on my phone, and he freakin got me one! I ordered a cutie case for it and once it eventually comes in I'll have to
post a picture in my diary or something! ANYWAY I'm definitely liking this series a lot more than ACOTAR so far, even though I did really like Acotar.
I already started Crown of Midnight a few days ago so I have to try and not mention anything about the plot here LOL. Basically, I thought the like
whole idea that was laid out in TOG like the competition and everything was going to be the overarching plot for the whole series or at the very least
stretch out through more of the series, but to have it all be DONE in the first book like Okay Miss Maas knows how to jam pack a book. And it
didn't even feel rushed to me or like TOO much was going on. I also chuckled like a mad woman when Celaena won, like fully out loud in my car on my
lunch break. So far I'm hooked all I wanna be doing is reading (hence me not working on this site in awhile). As far as love triangles go I am team Chaol atm,
I don't dislike Dorian really but idk to me Chaol and Celaena have more,,, in common? Like they've been through more similar-ish things and Dorian being a
prince just makes me think like what could he possibly understand about anything she's gone through? Not that that means they could never be together but Celaena
is kind right that it would be way too risky. It WAS really funny to me that like every man WONTS HER BAD!! Like they don't even care that she's a criminal and semi-
annoying they're just like ready to risk it all for her and fair enough. Now that I'm further along I do see her as less annoying LOL I never fully didn't
like her as a character, and now I love her, I was just like okay she's some young smart-ass? (I no longer think that I see the nuance or whatever of her
character OKAY). Anyway time to write a journal for Crown of Midnight byebye!